Construction worker on site holding hard hat and tablet; construction rework concept

Minimize Construction Rework (and Maximize Profits) With Construction Project Management Software

Rework is one of the greatest profit drains in construction. To maximize profit, you need to minimize rework.

That’s because “rework ranks high on the list of inefficiencies in construction projects,” explains Archie Alexander, director of construction for H+M Industrial EPC. “It is to blame for higher costs, project delays, and decreased productivity.”

Obviously, rework should be avoided at all costs, and that’s not as impossible as it may seem on the surface. One simple way to reduce the need for rework is to centralize data with construction project management software, like eSUB.

Decentralized Data is a Key Contributor to Rework

There are a number of reasons why rework occurs, with decentralized data one of the leading contributors. 

Construction projects are powered by real-time data. When teams don’t have access to the most up-to-date project information, they may inadvertently end up redoing work that was already done or completing work that will need to be redone later. These inefficiencies can quickly lead to projects running over time and over budget, cutting into your company’s profits. 

This happens when data isn’t centralized. If you are still using binders and spreadsheets to track project information, your data is being siloed and the risk of using bad data in decision-making rises significantly. 

“Construction data silos create unintended walls and difficulties in collecting all information in one central place,” writes Peritus Marketing’s Tyler Riddell for MSUITE. “There’s also no easy way for these silos to share data causing data to be lost or inaccurate. Data transparency becomes an issue because each team member cannot view the same (or complete) data set.”

The solution to this problem is adopting a digital tool that centralizes project documents and data. “The right technology can go a long way in helping you to prevent construction rework,” writes Nik Lahiri, a principal at Essel Environmental and Emergency Response. In this case, the right technology is eSUB, a construction project management platform designed specifically for trade contractors.

Close-up of construction worker using tablet; construction rework concept

Construction Project Management Software Helps Trade Contractors Avoid the Need for Rework 

In short, technology simplifies document management and stores all project documents in one central location so all of the most up-to-date project data is accessible to all stakeholders. By standardizing document submission, the software eliminates bad data and reduces the risk of miscommunication which helps minimize rework on projects. 

Standardizing Document Submission Processes

The first step to centralizing data is to make sure all information gets funneled through the same channels to one central repository. Construction project management software makes this easy through the software’s mobile capabilities. 

No matter where someone is (whether on the job site or in the office), the digital tool allows everyone to follow the same processes for document submission. As a result, project data is centralized for everyone to access. This increases the reliability of project data which, in turn, eliminates the confusion that often leads to rework.

Eliminating Bad Data 

Bad data surfaces when “data has been inaccurate or entered too late to be useful,” explains Raghi Iyengar, CEO of Manufacton. It’s a direct result of manual document submission that workers often put off as long as possible because it is time-consuming and takes them away from project-specific work. 

The risk of bad data is eliminated by the technology because all data is digitally uploaded in real-time to one, central location. Because it’s a quick and seamless task, workers can upload documents without interrupting their work. That way, there’s no doubt that it is the most recent project information. When project decisions are based on that accurate data instead of outdated information, there’s a much lower risk of rework in the future.

Lessening the Risk of Miscommunication

Miscommunication is another leading culprit for rework, and siloed information and bad data create serious communication problems on construction projects. When workers cannot easily connect to one another to share information, it’s nearly impossible to keep everyone on the same page. It’s too easy for emails and phone calls to be missed so everyone ends up using the data they can access, which may be outdated.

With construction project management software, stakeholders no longer have to rely on direct communication to collaborate. Everyone can simply refer to the centralized project data. As a result, communication is better and the risk for unnecessary rework is reduced.  

This is why trade contractors need eSUB. The technology saves your company money and can maximize profit margins by minimizing the need for rework. 

Schedule a demo of eSUB Cloud today to learn more about how this software reduces the risk of your teams having to do the same work twice.

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