benefits of project management software

7 Benefits of Construction Management Software

Change is always difficult, but often necessary to adapt and counter challenges with time to avoid becoming obsolete. The global construction industry, in this case, has always been known to resist change, often relying on age-old methods to get the job done. For such project managers, digitization has become a challenge itself.

Back in 2012, only 16 percent of the global construction industry was in favor of using project management software. Today, that number has grown to nearly 85 percent

Almost every major construction company is expected to utilize cloud-based software to manage its projects. The technological advantages you gain safeguard your profits and combat delays. However, there are still a lot of project managers and contractors out there today who are hesitant to adopt or fully embrace new technology. 

From general contractors to trade contractors to project managers and more, nearly every person in the construction ecosystem can dramatically improve their working process with high-quality, specialized software. Here are some of the benefits that should convince you to start working with a construction software for your projects. 

1. Improved Project and Time Management 

On average, large construction projects take 20 percent longer to complete than expected. A construction project rarely faces zero issues throughout its lifecycle. 

It makes sense because construction projects entail everything from building construction to electrical wiring to fire compartmentation and more. There are generally subcontractors, trade contractors, full-time employees, vendors, project managers, clients, and more who all need to communicate. So, it is no surprise that project management can get messy and delayed. 

The benefit of cloud-based project management software solutions is that they house all of the communications, RFIs, calendars, projects, and more in one single location. 

If everyone on the project is operating off the same set of information, things run much smoother. It also becomes easier to keep a birds-eye view of where every project is at any given moment. 

Construction project management software helps make managing projects and staying within a timeline much more straightforward and manageable. 

2. Cost Control and Efficiency

Utilizing construction software allows you to get closer to hitting your target budget. Whether you are the owner or a subcontractor, everyone in the process tends to set and operate under budgets. 

Cloud-based software solutions allow you to keep a running audit of spending as well as provide overarching insight into where the money is going. This data-driven approach makes it simpler to identify areas where you consistently come in over budget and either plan better to handle those costs or fix the issues causing the budget to be blown. 

For instance, it comes to your attention that the concrete contractor always comes in over budget. Looking into the issues reveals that the concrete contractor has been using heat-resistant concrete rather than standard cement. This has caused them to spend a lot more on materials than anticipated. 

Since you have identified the problem, you can either account for the extra cost in future projects or have them switch to the more cost-effective alternative. 

When you use construction software, identifying small cost problems is much more straightforward. Beyond that, cloud-based software helps avoid costly manual accounting and invoicing mistakes. Some solutions even include options for payments and time-tracking. Generally, these solutions cost much less than local software hosted within your computer or manual alternatives. 

3. Increased Communication Flexibility

One of the most substantial benefits of construction software solutions is that they vastly improve internal communication and flexibility. You can easily import contacts, monitor emails, and communicate seamlessly with every person on your team. 

There is also the ability to upload and share field notes and create daily reports. Essentially, these software solutions improve and streamline every part of regular communication. 

With cloud-based software, you are not tied to your office computer or expensive, external devices. Instead, these types of software can pair with your phone and home laptop, allowing you to access pertinent project information wherever you are.

If you are in corporate management, this means getting insight into all your current projects in real time without having to make phone calls or drive out to the site. If you are a subcontractor, it means submitting information from the site you are at and not having to submit anything manually. 

This technology saves time and provides much-needed flexibility to an industry that is always in motion.  

Benefits of Construction Project Manager Software

4. Better Customer Communication

In addition to internal communication, customer communication is also simplified via construction software. You can import clients, email correspondents, set up reminders, send invoices, and more. 

It is possible to take your entire customer communication from individual phone calls, emails, and books to streamlined communication. It is also much easier to track and resolve issues and client concerns. 

Once something is raised in a cloud-based system, it is simple to track the issue throughout the process until the issue is resolved.

Ultimately, the increased project management and timeline improvements will work wonders in improving your customer relationships. You’ll always know the answers to their questions and have a full-scope understanding of exactly where their project is on the timeline.

5. Better Risk Management

Every construction project carries a certain degree of risk depending on its scope, scale, and factors outside of its control such as weather and global supply chains. Identifying all applicable risks for a project is difficult, but construction management software makes that easier by also proposing mitigation plans.

AI-powered construction software, for example, can use machine learning to evaluate complex data sets to forecast potential risks down the road. This can range from anticipating bottlenecks to dangerous market trends.

On the same note, construction management software can warn project managers about resource shortages before they actually happen. This can be, for example, due to resource mismanagement on the site. It helps you plan ahead without the need to make uninformed decisions at the last minute in a bid to avoid delays.

6. Streamlined Reporting and Analysis

Before the advent of digital technology, construction project managers were responsible for writing up multiple reports (almost daily) to keep everyone on the team (contractors, stakeholders, etc.) on the same page about on-site progress. This was the only way to collaborate, which as evident was highly inefficient and prone to increasing the risk of errors and misunderstandings.

Thanks to construction management software, though, reporting has become simplified and a lot more accessible due to the power of the cloud. Every construction software today features support for mobiles, allowing everyone access to real-time data on the go from anywhere. This allows the planning team to make critical data-driven decisions and is easily one of the most important benefits of using construction project management software.

7. Better Resource Allocation and Management

There are dozens of different types of resources that are required for the completion of a construction project. They do not just include materials, equipment, machinery, and tools. They also include labor, facilities, cashflows, and more, which makes resource management akin to fairly challenging. 

Construction project managers must keep an eye on every type of resource: what is needed, how much to bring in, how much is allocated to which workforce, how much is left on the site, how much to order to avoid delays, what to let go to avoid rental fees, etc.

Feeding all of that data into construction management software makes it easier and more efficient to manage resources. Firstly, you can focus on other on-site activities and let the construction software track all the resources in real time. It will warn you if there is a conflict; for example, multiple projects or workforces using the same resource—letting you manage them accordingly. 

It will also point out resources that provide the best return on investment in case you want to prioritize a specific team. The best construction management software out there is, furthermore, able to forecast resource requirements based on current progress, so you will always be a step ahead.

How to Choose the Best Construction Management Software

There are several construction management software out there in the market these days, but not every one of them might be suitable for your project. Your choice should not depend on what others are using, or which software offers the most features. 

You should, firstly, choose a construction software that covers your requirements and goals. This also covers the price. Large-scale projects have a longer list of requirements, but that might also mean paying a lot more for technology that satisfies all your needs. If your budget is limited, make a list of your top requirements and see which software comes the closest without breaking your wallet.

Secondly, the software must be easy to use and easy to understand. A construction management software that has everything you want, but is fairly difficult to use and navigate does not provide value. You are spending on technology to solve your challenges. There is no point in adding another challenge to the list.

Lastly, ensure that the software is cloud-based. Having remote access is critical these days. Imagine not being able to access emails on your phone until you reach home. Giving access to everyone on the team at all times is the whole point of using construction management software.

How eSUB Construction Management Software Can Help

eSUB is a cloud-based project management platform built especially for subcontractors. It seamlessly integrates with leading construction software systems so you can easily switch from your current document process to a cloud-based system to upgrade your construction project management process.

eSUB organizes all of your project information in one place, allows for smooth collaboration, and streamlines communication through its intuitive interface. It also works on your mobile, so you can track projects on the go—no matter where or when—and stay up-to-date.