15 SEO Tips for Electrical Contractors to Drive Website Traffic

Are you not being found on the first page of Google when people search for an “electrical commercial subcontractor near me”? Then, you are missing out on clients, leads, and growth.

If you consider that more than 90% of consumers go online to search for local services and that 50% of those will only click on the first three entries, you then realize that, as a commercial electrical subcontractor, your digital marketing game has to be strong. 

But worry not. Here are 15 actionable SEO tips for electrical contractors that will make your site kick-off and get you more leads, work, and growth. 

Photo by Mohamed Hassan on Pxhere

1. Code your website.

Not only should you code your site from scratch, but you should do it utilizing SEO best practices, making your site, as opposed to getting a service such as Squarespace, where you do not need to code.

Creating your own code gives you autonomy and control over your site. You do not need to do the coding yourself; you can hire someone to do that for you.

2. Google Analytics is your friend

This free Google tool allows you to track the effectiveness of all your online activities, like how well you are doing and helps you plan your strategies. Google Analytics provides information to help you improve your electrician website and make it the best it can be.

SEO Tips for Contractors
Photo By Remo_Designer

3. Invest resources in making your electrician website load fast

You’re an electrician and, as such, you are efficient and prompt to do your work. Your website should not be any different. Web speed is one of the most commented aspects of SEO because it is imperative to traffic success.

Try to picture a person who has an electrical emergency and needs an answer fast. They land on your website somehow, but after a few short seconds, they move on to the next site because yours loads too slowly.

This constant rebound from visitors sends a negative signal to Google, who responds with dropping the ranking of your site.


4. Content is king

Or so they say. However, if you do not tap into the other tips to reach SEO, your content can be extraordinary, but it will still not rank you.

Here’s how it works. You get traffic via links from other websites. Besides the great experience that your electrician website provides, your content is something your visitors want to hear more about. This means that they will start following your blog or reaching out for more information.

Photo by Suomy on Pixabay

5. Optimize for local keywords

If a person is looking for electrical services in your city, they will most likely write something like “electrician in Vermont.” If your content is not optimized for the city you are in, there is a very low chance that you will show up on the search engine results. In another example, subcontractors might be searching for the best electrical contract software in your area.

Create content that contains the words that you know people will be searching for when looking for electrical services.

6. Add social buttons

Social media is an important aspect of any marketing campaign. Make sure you have a presence on as many social media platforms as you can and that your site has the corresponding buttons.

7. Get genuine reviews

It is a proven fact that customers rely more on user-generated content than what a company has to say about themselves. If you can get your customers to write good reviews, then you are laying the foundation towards a high ranking.

Don’t forget to offer the best electrician service so that people will authentically review you positively. For the sake of not only reviews, but also positioning yourself as an authoritative electrician in the area, update your citations across online directories like Angie’s List, Yelp, and Facebook.

Photo by Chief Petty Officer Ryan Wilbe on dvidshub

8. Set SEO goals

In any business or enterprise, setting goals is essential as it is the driving force of doing a good job. So, before getting started, establish some revenue SEO goals and work towards them.

9. Create valuable content

Well-written content will help you rank locally and get local traffic, which is what we are looking for here. Besides service pages, which we mentioned earlier, include a blog section. This will help your customers stay up-to-date with trends in the electrical field.

10. Optimize your media

As an electrician, you can find benefit in showing the work as it’s completed as well as the final job. Besides photos, your website needs social media snippets, videos, infographics, and surveys.

Use short videos to portray what you do and use visually appealing images. Videos are an excellent window for SEO rankings. Place the link to your electrician website on the description of your YouTube video.

11. Voice search

Implementing voice services might seem like a waste of money, but they can help you rank higher. Voice search shows empathy for those that are visually impaired or individuals that multi-task and appreciate not having to use their already-full hands.

SEO Tips for Contractors
By Marketa Kuchynkova500

12. Optimize your Facebook page

Yes, Facebook is still out there and relevant, particularly with the demographics that you are targeting. Hire someone to optimize your Facebook page and take advantage of all the benefits this social media platform has to offer.

Don’t stop at Facebook. Social sites such as Twitter and Instagram offer great opportunities for promoting your services. These platforms also provide invaluable information on how well your post is doing.

13. Build authority

Companies, regardless of their size, can benefit from building website authority. The best way to do this is through backlinks.

What is backlinking?

A backlink is a link created when one website links to another. Backlinks are also called “inbound links” or “incoming links.” Backlinking is an important SEO tip for contractors.

But what does this mean?

When Google ranks you higher, it tells visitors that you know what you are doing. There is no way around this step, and it starts with the customer’s satisfaction with your services.

This is how you build authority.

As you build this reputation, customers and reviewers will mention you, hopefully linking to your electrician site. Backlinking will put you in front of the right customers, the ones that matter to your business the most.

14. Analyze your monthly reports

Be honest and transparent with your employees about monthly reports of the status and results of your SEO efforts. Communicating these results with your team will better help you decide what comes next.

SEO Tips for Contractors
Photo By robuart

15. Make your website easy to crawl

Search engines might not crawl all the pages you’d like them to. This is probably because the structure of your website is not optimal. To monitor your site’s performance, refer to Google Search Console.

You can make periodic random checks on your site. Just search for a phrase unique to your website, perhaps something deep within your content, and Google it. The results will instantly tell you if that page has been captured.

Final Thoughts

Driving traffic to your website will not happen overnight. The same dedication you put into your work, you should place on your electrician website and SEO efforts.

Many changes are coming into the SEO space in 2020. To keep up with them, you must up your game to generate the traffic that you need.