Mobility in Construction Mobility

Mobility in Construction

It’s hard to remember, but it wasn’t all that long ago that smart phones, tablets, and mobile laptops were not in existence. Technology has advanced so quick that mobility has become a main factor in a construction companies ability to succeed in the highly competitive construction market.   A company’s efficiency hinges on their ability […]

Characteristics Of Top Construction Firms Leading your troops.

Characteristics Of Top Construction Firms

After our article on the Key Behavioral Traits of Successful Subcontractors, it felt appropriate to discuss the key traits of top construction firms as a whole. The industry as a whole is incredibly competitive, and most successful construction companies can tell you, it’s a guaranteed game changer to have loyal customers. When clients are loyal […]

(Cost of Undocumented Change Orders) Crawford Construction & General Contractors Inc. v. Kemp

(Cost of Undocumented Change Orders) Crawford Construction & General Contractors Inc. v. Kemp

Court case Crawford Construction & General Contractors Inc. v. Kemp, in an all to familiar scenario, the Crawford Construction built a $1.3 million home for the Kemps with all of the oral change orders and adjustments that the homeowners requested throughout construction. The original contract between the parties included a requirement that all change orders […]

(Change Orders) Problems & Solutions

(Change Orders) Problems & Solutions

Major disputes can arise in fixed-price contracts when subcontractors perform work on unwritten change orders, and both sides can lose big. Not having the change order in writing makes it hard to prove that the change is not a defect and even harder to get paid for the work. An owner who doesn’t receive a […]

The Dotted Line: How construction firms can manage the ‘necessary evil’ of change orders in construction change-orders

The Dotted Line: How construction firms can manage the ‘necessary evil’ of change orders in construction

How construction firms can manage the ‘necessary evil’ of change orders in construction The following is the seventh installment of Construction Dive’s “The Dotted Line” series, which takes an in-depth look at different construction contract types each month with expert input. Read the first six installments here, here, here, here, here and here. By Kim Slowey | Construction projects, […]

Document Management – How It’s Hurting Your Bottom Line & How To Fix It Dying from document management.

Document Management – How It’s Hurting Your Bottom Line & How To Fix It

I think you’ll agree with me when I say:It’s REALLY tiresome dealing with manual coordination of documents, human error, missing files, and, all-in-all, leaving money on the table. But is this all necessary?Absolutely not! It turns out, you can dramatically change your misfortunes and keep your projects on track…In today’s post, I’m going to disclose […]

Contractors, Subcontractors, and the age of Construction Management Software

Contractors, Subcontractors, and the age of Construction Management Software

One of the consequences of the “do more with less” emphasis in construction is that everyone who participates in designing and building a project plays a more important role—subcontractors included. Building owners seek to satisfy customer demand for eco-friendly, ergonomic environments, all while keeping costs in check and projects on schedule. The result? Everyone must […]

Finding the Right Project Management System

Finding the Right Project Management System

As more and more construction companies downsize, the all-important project management role is under threat, which is compromising the overall quality of construction work. When the top-quality, experienced project managers retire they are often replaced with relatively inexperienced staff who are now more reliant than ever on data management. Without a good project management system […]