Robotics and the Impact on Construction Robotic technology is here, and it’s changing the construction industry like never before. In this article, we will take a look at the newest robotic technology and the impacts it’s having on the world of construction. Building with Drones Drones are growing in popularity due to the many […]
What is a Construction Punch List and How Do Contractors Use One?
What is a Punch List? A punch list is a list of tasks and items that need to be fixed or completed before a construction project can be considered finished. Creating and completing an accurate punch list is essential in delivering a successful project. This step in the construction project is performed last so that […]
Stay on Schedule: What to Do If A Project Falls Behind
Even the most experienced contracting firms make mistakes when estimating project durations, promising tighter deadlines than are realistic to secure the contract and make customers happy. On the other hand, even projects with forgiving deadlines can run into roadblocks when human error is involved. When a project falls behind schedule, the implications can be severe […]
Taking Advantage of Virtual Construction to Mitigate Risk and Protect Profits
Virtual Construction or Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become an effective layer in construction from design to prefabrication to field layout. It is especially useful for contractors in saving time, increasing quality and providing better control of scheduling by making traditional construction processes more efficient. Understanding where virtual construction fits into the overall build process […]
4 Types of Construction Contracts
4 Types of Construction Contracts There are various kinds of construction contracts used within the industry. The specific type of contract is usually determined depending on how the disbursement will be made. This will vary from project to project. The specific details of the contract will usually include duration, quality, scope of the work, […]
Developing Your Construction Waste Management & Recycling Plan Will Save Thousands
Developing Your Construction Waste Management & Recycling Plan Will Save Thousands The construction industry produces massive amounts of waste every year resulting in profit losses and negative environmental impacts. By nature, construction is not an eco-friendly activity. Thankfully, implementing a construction and demolition waste management plan can help reduce waste in landfills efficiently and […]
How Using Drones in Construction is Fostering Efficiency
How Using Drones in Construction is Fostering Efficiency For any construction company, there are three main aspects that matter – time, quality and cost. Since you can only manage what you can measure, wouldn’t you want to measure every facet of your job site? Of course, you would, but how can you increase the quality […]
Five Essential Questions to Ask When Buying Construction Management Software
Five Essential Questions to Ask When Buying Construction Management Software There comes a time in every business when the realization that the current way of doing things is no longer working. Whether it be the arrival of new management, continuously missing deadlines, losing money on projects, employee turnover, or the desire for the company […]
Just How Big is the Construction Recruitment Industry?
Just How Big is the Construction Recruitment Industry? As the number of qualified construction workers continues to dwindle, the need for effective recruiting becomes more and more necessary. Companies face extensive competition as they contend for the few remaining workers left, meaning they must seek out fresh talent. With the older generation of baby […]
What is a Construction Project Planners Role?
Planning is one of the most crucial aspects of construction management, and it’s essential for construction project planners. It involves making careful choices on ways to complete tasks so that projects can be finished on time and within budget. The role of a construction planner is to develop a plan to complete a construction project […]
The Six Best Heavy Duty Cell Phone & Tablet Cases for Construction Workers
The Six Best Heavy Duty Cell Phone and Tablet Cases for Construction Workers Due to the rugged nature of their jobs, construction workers tend to break more phones than any other professionals. Since instant communication is mission critical to keep projects on schedule and the unpredictableness of work performed on the jobsite, workers need to […]
The 8 Best Construction Project Management Books to Learn From – eSUB Construction Software
The 8 Best Construction Project Management Books to Learn From One of the most crucial parts of being a construction project manager is confidently executing your role. This level of self-assurance in your methods and techniques can be reached many ways; some may argue that experience in the position itself is the only way to […]
How to Become a Construction Superintendent: Climbing the Ladder
How to Become a Construction Superintendent: Climbing the Ladder Construction superintendents play a critical role in the construction industry by working closely with all the teams involved on a project to ensure that every aspect runs smoothly. A construction superintendent works alongside the project manager, performing much of the same duties in managing a project. […]
Successful Women in Construction Management Roles
Successful Women in Construction Management Roles Guest Author: Sarah Clow There is no denying that construction is a male-dominated industry. Throughout history, construction labor has always been viewed by the public and the industry itself as a “mans job.” However, the construction industry expands far beyond jobsites. There is a diverse range of […]
7 Steps You Need to Take to Dump Your Reliance on Spreadsheets
7 Steps You Need to Take to Dump Your Reliance on Spreadsheets While you’ve probably relied on Excel as a trusted business tool for quite some time, it’s time to rethink how reliable this tool really is. Due to its inability to be updated by more than one person and its deceptive simplicity, spreadsheets […]