7 Important Features a Contracting Website Must Have
7 Important Features a Contracting Website Must Have
If you take a look at most contracting websites, you’ll find the majority of them to be generic and poorly designed. Many contractors don’t realize the importance of taking the time to craft a strategic and professional website. While your website isn’t the defining factor in whether or not you secure jobs, it will affect people’s first impression of you. Imagine someone is looking for a contractor to remodel their upscale apartment complex and they go to your site and see a bland, un-engaging website. It might make someone question whether or not you are the best fit for them. It’s your job to attract and secure clients, and a targeted site will help you achieve this.
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In 2017, a mobile-friendly website is crucial to success. In April of 2015, the Pew Research Center stated, “nearly two-thirds of Americans are now smartphone owners, and for many, these devices are a key entry point to the online world.” Let’s take a look at a few important features to keep in mind when revamping your contracting website.
Demonstrate your personality
While qualifications are extremely important, demonstrating your personality is also vital in securing jobs. A great way to showcase your team’s personality is to put up a photo and blurb about each employee. This allows potential clients to get a glimpse of what it might be like to work with you.
Provide video testimonials
In our current day and age, reviews are pivotal in a customers decision process. Providing testimonials from past clients will increase trust and compel more business. People don’t want to hire someone blindly. They want to know that they will get their money’s worth! Short-form video (preferred length 2 minutes) is the best media format to bring the “Voice of (your) Customer to potential customers. Let them tell their story and how your firm has impacted their business second. This builds credibility.
Include social media links
If you actively use social media, consider linking your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook on your website. This is an excellent way to drive traffic to different platforms, and it will give potential customers a better idea of your company. Different audiences use different platforms so being present, engaging and connecting with audiences on multiple platforms helps your social reach. Not to close business, but to establish relationships that will lead to potential business opportunities. Lastly, help promote your existing customer and partner successes and activities to strengthen relationships.
Include a quality blog
If you have the time and resources to write weekly blog posts, it can be a great tool for engaging with customers. It’s also one of the best ways to drive organic traffic to your site! You can write on different topics and convert the blog articles into a powerful weekly/monthly newsletter for affordable outbound marketing – distribute to customers, partners and prospects that you are seeking business opportunities.
Showcase your expertise
When showcasing your expertise, you need to get in the mind of your target customer. By anticipating their needs, you can offer them the best possible service and solution. Your goal is to prove to them why you are the best firm for the job. Identify your company’s key competitive differentiators (best in service, family owned, always on time and on budget, diversified expertise, etc.) and bring them to life on your website.
Include your own photos/video
Customers want to see examples of past work, not stock photos. Real photos from past projects will entice customers much more than a generic stock photo that they’ve probably seen a dozen times. When you’re out in the field, take photos at different stages of the project. With smartphones and ipads, there’s no excuse not to document your work. Photos and video clips should also be posted on your social media channels.
Explain your processes
No matter what type of project, explaining the construction process will build trust. Most customers don’t have technical construction knowledge, so it’s your job to take them through the process step-by-step. Illustrating transparency in terms of communication and processes with the GC or Owner will build trust.
If your current website lacks any of these features, don’t worry. With a little extra devoted time and effort, you can redesign your site in no time. Just remember, your website is your first impression so make it count!