Organizing Your Cloud-based Virtual Filing Cabinet
Organizing Your Cloud-based Virtual Filing Cabinet
The benefits of implementing a virtual filing cabinet are essentially endless. Whether it’s instant access, unlimited storage or improved data accuracy, cloud-based filing cabinets offer it all. Gone are the days of scrounging around for misplaced documents and wasting time organizing stacks of paperwork. The future is here and it’s all about the cloud! While it may seem intimidating to integrate a new filing system, there’s no need to worry. With a few helpful tips, you’ll be managing your documents electronically like a pro.
You may be worried about possible security issues relating to virtual filing, but we’re here to put you at ease.
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So, what are the most common concerns?
Sharing files securely
Little did you know, but the way you share files currently is probably riskier than virtual filing! Many people share documents over email which can be easily leaked. Cloud-based filing offers options to transfer files securely so your mind can be at ease.
Document access & file permissions
With the amount of data growing every day, the amount of confidential information at risk grows as well. This not only leads to external threats but internal threats as well. Fortunately, virtual filing gives you the ability to protect your documents and only allow access to certain employees. This keeps non-associated persons from accessing confidential documents and protects your company.
Getting rid of documents
People often worry about what happens to electronic documents after a certain amount of time. Since electronic documents are not a physical entity, they cannot be physically shred. Virtual filing does offer a digital alternative though! Cloud-based filing cabinets let you set document retention policies with options to purge, archive or copy the files.
Now that we have addressed security issues, what are the most important points to keep in mind when organizing your virtual filing cabinet?
Consistent Document Names
Naming documents is often where businesses run into trouble. It is extremely important that you emphasize to your employees that they name documents the same way every time. Implementing strict uniformity in your document management system will make you and your employees lives much easier.
Tip: Consider putting the date at the beginning at the start of each of your documents. It will keep all of your documents in chronological order which can be extremely helpful when you want to look back later.
Consistent Folder Structure
Naming folders consistently are also important to the organization of your filling cabinet. Without a structured folder naming system, folders are often mislabeled or put aside.
Tip: Create folders for each of your different clients and create specific templates for each one. Many construction cloud software offers pre-made templates that you can then modify to fit your needs!
Maintain multiple file cabinets
If you are a larger construction company, you are probably using multiple filing cabinets to store your documents. In your virtual filing cabinet, it’s best to do the same! Cloud-based filing gives you the option to create multiple virtual file cabinets for all of your needs.
Tip: Some ideas to get your file cabinets started include: accounting, human resources, archive file cabinet, and administration!
While switching your file system from paper to virtual might seem scary, the benefits will quickly prove to be worth it. Stop wasting time and switch over to virtual today!