What are Building Specifications in Construction?

What are Building Specifications in Construction?

In the construction industry, every project needs specifications that outline all the requirements for completion. Such detailed instructions are written beforehand to describe how different construction aspects must be handled for the project. This can include materials, standards, quality, labor, skills, equipment, etc.  Building specifications must always be clear about how each construction activity must […]

Construction Project Documentation Checklist, Tips to Document Properly 4 Tips for Construction Document Management

Construction Project Documentation Checklist, Tips to Document Properly

Construction document management can be tedious in a project manager’s routine. However,  construction document management is one of the most essential aspects determining a project’s success. With it, projects become more accessible to manage and complete on time and within budget, not to mention it is also helpful in the event of legal issues or […]

Navigating the Crossroads: The High Cost of Inaction for Small Subcontractors in Commercial Construction

Navigating the Crossroads: The High Cost of Inaction for Small Subcontractors in Commercial Construction

Over the past few years, the construction industry has seen a shift toward the adoption of software for project documentation, field communications, and project management. What has become a cornerstone of modern practices in other industries is now becoming a standard practice in construction. Yet, some construction subcontractors remain resistant to this change, often underestimating […]

7 Signs You Need an Electrical Contractor electrical contractor

7 Signs You Need an Electrical Contractor

  Electrical contractors are some of the most important people on a job site. They are responsible for the design, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems in a construction project. An electrical contractor is also responsible for ensuring that the systems are safe, functional, and environmentally friendly.    In addition to providing an essential job […]

How to Reduce Construction Costs

How to Reduce Construction Costs

With local economies improving in many places around the world, the number of new commercial construction projects is growing. Managers for commercial construction projects have many tasks to handle at once, especially when the number of expected projects to complete is continuously increasing. Construction project managers must do market research, communicate with the owners of […]

Top 8 Causes of Cost Overruns in Construction

Top 8 Causes of Cost Overruns in Construction

Cost overruns are the unfortunate norm in the construction industry, which is notorious for being late and over budget. Additionally, the construction industry’s productivity has been pretty stagnant year over year, with almost 90% of construction workers classifying the industry as unproductive. To understand the causes of cost overruns and why they are so typical […]

How to Estimate a Construction Project How to Estimate a Construction Project

How to Estimate a Construction Project

Accurate cost estimation for a construction project is crucial for creating and maintaining a budget for project costs. Read more to learn how to estimate a construction project.  Article Overview: — Construction project estimate terminology that you need to learn and know.  — Key elements of a construction project estimate to ensure accuracy and getting […]