A survey from Software Advice, a company that helps construction software buyers find the right vendor(s), has offered insight into the preferences and pain points of prospective buyers who are thinking of adopting software systems in their construction business. The survey analyzed the responses of 250 participants to better understand what software features are […]
What is FLSA Overtime?
What is FLSA Overtime? The FLSA (Fair Labor Standard Act) provides the rules regarding overtime pay for employees, determining who is eligible for overtime pay and who is exempt. The FLSA describes overtime as working more than 40 hours in a workweek. If an employee who is considered “non-exempt” exceeds the 40-hour workweek, they are […]
The RFI and its Cost to Your Construction Firm
The RFI and its Cost to Your Construction Firm The RFI (request for information) is intended to ask questions and bridge gaps or inconsistencies that may arise when reviewing provided documents. Despite RFIs being a necessary clarification tool that can prevent devastating miscommunication, an overwhelming amount of RFIs can slow down a project and create […]
10 Tips to Build Better Relationships with General Contractors
10 Tips for Subcontractors | Build Better Relationships with General Contractors Historically, subcontractors and general contractors have had their disagreements. Despite this, it is possible to improve the relationship between the subcontractor and general contractor with these 10 tips: 1. Be prepared at all times Nothing bothers a general contractor more than a subcontractor […]
Taking Smart Risks in Construction
“Just taking risks for risk’s sake, that doesn’t do it for me. I’m willing to take risks that I think are worth it, and I’ve worked so hard to make sure that I survive.” – Chris Hadfield, Astronaut Construction Dive recently forecast that contractors will be more cautious about project selection this year. Ok, on […]
Making Life Easier at the Jobsite & Office: Mobile Subcontractor Software
Mobile construction management software is ideal for addressing common pain points for specialty contractors of all trades. No matter what you build, mobile and cloud construction management software can help you in so many ways. So, let’s get down to how this solution makes life easier at the jobsite and in the back office. Centralization […]
How to Combat the Construction Worker Shortage
Despite the increasing demand and job openings in the construction industry, 76% of construction firms say they are having trouble finding qualified employees to meet this demand, according to Associated General Contractors of America. Construction companies are having trouble not only attracting new hires but also retaining them. This problem can be battled in many […]
10 Steps to Supercharge Your Construction Sales Process
Win higher margin work & grow your business. Every construction business owner’s goal is to win more work at higher margins against fewer competitors. But contractors are generally too busy working and building projects, and, therefore, leave their sales activity as second priority. After they solve all of the daily issues, field challenges and […]
Big Productivity on the Jobsite Comes in Small Applications
The construction industry is always moving. The entire dynamic of its operations are shifting toward mobile technology, and its workforce is never in one place for long. Paper forms and desktop-based solutions cannot keep up with the mobilization of the industry and its workers. Construction companies are beginning to integrate the use of mobile applications to […]
10 Steps to More Money, Fewer Construction Problems
Follow this guide to eliminate profit margin shrinkage for construction projects Profit margin shrinkage starts when the estimator prepares a bid based on the cost of completion he thinks a job might require versus the cost history of similar, completed jobs. He then reviews this estimate with the owner, who looks at the plans […]
10 Reasons Excel & Word Docs are Hurting Subcontractor Firms
Recently, every industry has begun to shift from traditional Excel and Word files to cloud-based technology to keep everything integrated and running efficiently. More companies are putting an emphasis on mobile devices such as smartphones and iPads rather than laptops or desktop computers to increase mobility; this business model shift is especially impactful for on-the-go […]
5 Tips to Ease the Monthly Construction Assessment Meeting
Stop Crucial Mistakes from Destroying Your Construction Company. Every month, your construction firm has the construction assessment meeting to determine where projects stand, and where your billable hours and invoices sit to meet production targets. The regular meeting is a mad scramble between Executives, Project Managers, Foreman, and Accounting. The Office is tense and riddled […]
8 Things to Consider for Project Managing Software
Explore the value that cloud-based project managing software can bring to your business. Construction business owners and project managers alike know how tough it can be to manage a project, but some are reluctant to change processes to find an easier solution to management. Read below to explore the possibilities of productivity by using project […]
8 End-of-Year Must-Dos for Construction Business Owners
To succeed and stay successful, companies must be on their game 24/7. That warrior mindset begins and ends with the business owner. December is here, and 2017 is right around the corner. With a little focused thought, the last month of 2016 can also be the most valuable one, according to Bill McBean, author […]
Contractors, Subcontractors, and the age of Construction Management Software
One of the consequences of the “do more with less” emphasis in construction is that everyone who participates in designing and building a project plays a more important role—subcontractors included. Building owners seek to satisfy customer demand for eco-friendly, ergonomic environments, all while keeping costs in check and projects on schedule. The result? Everyone must […]