Improve Commercial Construction Planning By Empowering Field Workers to Drive Profits
Commercial construction planning for projects large or small, requires an attention to detail and practice. The availability of materials and resources are influenced by many factors that must be taken into consideration. Deadlines are vitally important to many construction projects, where time means money and delayed projects result in significant fines. The back office shouldn’t be the source of truth for what happens in the field, and forepersons should feel empowered to report on the job. When forepersons report on events in the field then companies can tighten up their profit margins.
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Empowering Workers in Commercial Construction Planning
In addition to careful advanced planning, commercial construction projects require flexibility as delivery dates shift and activity proceeds at an unexpected pace. Communication is essential during any planning phase and well into the project as it makes its way toward completion. Commercial construction planning is where the budget is set. It needs to be carefully monitored and adhered to, especially when it’s a large project. Cost overruns can result in significant losses to the company in charge of the project.
However, poor planning can cause issues for the whole business. If a large project or even a small project isn’t planned well then it can be detrimental to the business. Too many poorly planned projects can result in distrust and difficulty finding work. One of the key things to being able to improve on project planning is to have open communication and feedback as early as possible. Often times subcontractor feedback on the constructibility of a project isn’t taken into account until the actual construction phase of a project. This makes it easier for a project to fall prey to going over budget and over the schedule.
“Using an effective, well designed, cloud-based construction project management software can help keep a commercial construction business on track. It can enhance the company’s ability to oversee and evaluate the project thereby reducing costs and cutting expenses. eSUB Construction Software can definitely speed the decision making process and improve communication between filed workers, project managers and company management.”
Cost Management
Cost management is crucial and employing appropriate management techniques can make the difference between bringing a project in on time and within budget and excessive costs and expenses. Estimating prior to bidding on a commercial construction project is the start of cost management even before the project is underway. If it is a project that is given to the lowest bidder, a company’s bid requires careful examination to make certain a profit can be made it the job is won.
Once under way, proper planning and careful record keeping takes over to continue to analyze the profitably of the project as it is underway. Construction managers and project managers oversee various aspects of a large commercial project for profitability as well as scheduling and materials coordination. Some manager’s work on only one project, others are responsible for multiple projects at once.
Connecting the Field to the Office
For project team members in the field, the ability to stay connected to stakeholders and each other while on a jobsite can shave minutes and even hours from the work schedule. And by not having to chase down contracts, insurance documents, RFIs, change orders and the most current project plans, employees can keep the project moving forward while working in the field. The office personnel and field staff become essentially one unit.
It’s extremely important to connect the field and office in the early stages of a project. When there is a disconnect between the two it makes it harder to have access to important information. Using construction project management software can ensure that any field notes created in the field can be turned into proper daily reports, change orders, and ROIs into easy to read and send files for the back office. The original way of doing them is on paper, or at the end of the day. The problem with that people don’t remember everything that happens at the end of the day, and it can be hard to read someone else’s writing. Using software and apps streamline the process.
Job Site Safety
Another important element of any commercial construction project is safety. This is a complex aspect of commercial construction planning and thorough knowledge of laws and regulations is a necessity. Most companies have a site safety manger to keep employees and contractors informed and in compliance with these regulations. Safety violations can result in fines and injuries result in lost time, as well as, unnecessary medical and disability costs.
Careful planning of a commercial construction project with innovative technology that’s easy to use will bring a project in on time and within budget. No construction company wants to work at a loss, even though on occasion it may be unavoidable. If it happens too often, the company will not survive.
For the most part, subcontractors are historically thought to be a hired hand—paid to do a job and not offer suggestions—yet in today’s construction environment, many of them are innovating on par with any company in the industry. This evolving dynamic encourages subcontractors to become more active members of the project workflow, leading to improved collaboration among the project team and throughout the project delivery process.
How it Helps Commercial Construction Planning
Having all of this information written down is useful for future projects. While not all projects are the same, these field notes and daily reports can be used as training tools. Current and future superintendents, estimators, and more can use them to better understand what happens on a site or where something went wrong. It can also be used to show the best way to make sure things go right.
Construction technology and cloud-based computer software.
Large commercial construction projects have benefited greatly from the advancements in construction technology and cloud-based computer software. They have made it possible to improve the accuracy of materials and labors calculations and assist management in planning and throughout the project lifecycle. Efficient planning and appropriate adjustments made in a timely fashion throughout the project will increase profits and minimize expense and this is easier to do now than ever before.