Episode 20: Josh Levy Document Crunch
Power To The Trades Josh Levy of Document Crunch
On this week’s episode of the #PowerToTheTrades Construction Podcast, our host Rob McKinney has a conversation with Josh Levy from Document Crunch.
eSUB Podcast Episode #20 Recap
Episode #20 features Josh Levy who is the CEO and CO-Founder of Document Crunch, which is a technology company focused on making it easier to understand construction contracts, insurance policies, and other complex project documents. The team at Document Crunch are focused on helping Construction companies better understand the issues they should consider important, explain why those issues are indeed important, for the purposes of bidding and negotiating projects, but also to provide some guidance for the project teams administering those documents on a day to day basis during the course of construction. Josh is on a mission to help Trade Contractors level up their acumen when it comes to this very intimidating but necessary process.
The Meaning of #PowerToTheTrades
We discussed Josh’s thoughts about the many meanings of the word power in regards to the construction industry and specifically to Trade Contractors and Craft Workers.
What does “Power to the Trades” mean to him? “Josh said “when I think of power to the trades in the context of the solution that we’re talking about, think about the empowerment that can come from having a better appreciation of these issues for being aware of these issues.”
How has technology has powered the operations of Contractors you have worked with?
We discussed the impact of technology on Trade Contractors for improving their understanding of the legal contracts that they must review and sign on a regular basis. But also why those issues are important to understand when managing the day to day issues that may arise on your project (e.g, giving proper notice when it rains!) Josh has spent many hours consulting with Project Managers and Executives about the various issues, clauses and loopholes on construction contracts.
According to Josh “For anybody who questions, is there a really risk and these contract documents? You know, what I would say is I’ve made a very nice career as a Construction focused lawyer. And the answer is yes, there’s a lot of risk of these documents! There is a very real risk… risk that can torpedo companies. And I’ve seen it time and again.”
We discussed that fact that many construction professionals went to school to learn how to build, not review or prepare legal documents. Josh stated, “I consistently see trades that are using under qualified people to negotiate and, or appreciate risks in their contracts.” This was one of the reasons behind him working to develop a web based tool to assist construction professionals.
Let’s continue to bring #PowerToTheTrades!
eSUB’s cloud-based project management solution was designed specifically for construction subcontractors, giving them a real-time view and account of their workers, enabling efficient work management within an easy-to-use platform.
If you would like to improve your management processes so you don’t experience construction labor shortages, schedule a demo to learn how eSUB can help.
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