Wearable Technology in Construction

4 Benefits of Wearable Technology in Construction

As technology continues to grow, we see it intertwining itself into every area of our lives – and work is no exception! While the construction industry has been slower in the adoption of technology, it is now recognizing the enormous benefits of implementing technology on the job site. Wearable technology is one trend that is beginning to gain traction within the industry. Through wearable devices, the construction industry can collect information and communicate easier than ever before.

Before we dive deeper into the benefits of wearable technology, let’s take a look at some of the different types of wearables.

Smart Vests – This new and innovative wearable technology has GPS capabilities, vital monitoring, emergency buttons and built-in alert systems. While still very new to the industry, smart vests offer enormous benefits for all construction workers.

Smart Helmet – Another new and exciting wearable technology, smart helmets include features such as fall impact detection, emergency alerts and video recording.

Smart Glasses – This wearable technology gives workers the ability to record videos and receives instructions from more skilled workers or managers off-site in real-time.

To better understand the benefits of wearable technologies such as these, let’s take a look at some of the specific ways that they’re changing day-to-day work on the construction site.

1. Improved Safety

One of the biggest benefits of wearable technology in construction is the safety improvements. Wearable devices are typically worn on a worker’s waist belt, allowing for constant connection with site supervisors. If an accident occurs, wearable technologies can help to save lives through slip and fall detection. Through GPS technology, it can alert supervisors and give them a worker’s exact location. Injuries can be extremely time-sensitive, highlighting the importance of responding and acting as quickly as possible.

2. Streamlined data collection process

Manual headcounts and safety checks are prone to error and extremely time-consuming. Wearable technology streamlines the process,, giving you a more accurate and thorough set of data. Instant data collection also allows the manager or supervisor to spend their time working on other areas that need their attention. This results in more efficient project management and enhanced safety on the job site!

3. Attractive to millennials

It’s no secret that the construction industry’s skilled workforce is slowly dwindling. To make matters worse, there isn’t a huge influx of incoming workers. This is especially true when it comes to millennials. The best way to fix this problem? Technology! Young professionals have grown up with technology and want to see it being used in their workplace.  If the construction industry wants to attract talented young workers, wearable technology is a great place to start. By implementing the latest forms of technology the construction industry can show the world that they are as innovative as every other industry!

4. Enhanced communication

Wearable technology gives workers the ability to communicate in real-time. Gone are the days of chasing down other workers or playing phone tag! Wearable technology keeps you connected to your team members at all times and ensures that everyone is kept in the loop.


Our world is not the same world that it used to be and it’s crucial that the construction industry recognizes that. If construction companies want to stay relevant, they must invest in new and innovative tools such as wearable technology. These tools will not only attract new workers but will also make life easier for everyone on the site. The time for technology adoption is now, so what are you waiting for?

FAQs for Benefits of Wearable Technology in Construction

1. What are some examples of wearable technology used in the construction industry?

  • Wearable technology in construction includes smart vests, smart helmets, and smart glasses. Smart vests have GPS capabilities, vital monitoring, emergency buttons, and alert systems. Smart helmets feature fall impact detection, emergency alerts, and video recording. Smart glasses enable real-time communication and video recording.

2. How does wearable technology improve safety on construction sites?

  • Wearable devices enhance safety by providing constant connectivity between workers and site supervisors. In the event of an accident, they can detect slips and falls and immediately notify supervisors with the worker’s exact location using GPS technology. This quick response can be crucial in addressing injuries promptly.

3. How does wearable technology streamline data collection in construction?

  • Wearable technology automates data collection, eliminating the need for manual headcounts and safety checks. This results in more accurate and efficient data collection processes. Managers and supervisors can focus their time on other critical tasks, leading to more efficient project management and improved safety.

4. Why is wearable technology attractive to millennials in the construction industry?

  • Millennials have grown up with technology and are accustomed to its use in various aspects of their lives. Implementing wearable technology in construction showcases innovation and can make the industry more appealing to younger workers. To attract and retain talented young professionals, the construction industry must embrace technology like wearables.

5. How does wearable technology enhance communication among construction workers?

  • Wearable technology allows real-time communication among workers, eliminating the need for time-consuming tasks like chasing down colleagues or playing phone tag. Team members can stay connected at all times, ensuring everyone remains informed and engaged on the job site.

6. Why is it important for the construction industry to adopt new and innovative tools like wearable technology?

  • The construction industry needs to adapt to a changing world and workforce. Embracing new tools like wearable technology not only attracts younger workers but also enhances efficiency and safety on construction sites. To remain relevant and competitive, construction companies should invest in innovative solutions.

7. When is the right time for the construction industry to adopt wearable technology?

  • The time for technology adoption in the construction industry is now. Embracing wearable technology and other innovative tools can lead to improved safety, efficiency, and workforce attraction. Waiting too long to adopt these technologies may put construction companies at a disadvantage in a rapidly evolving industry.


Construction Business Owner

Readwrite.com | Wearable Tech Transforming the Construction Industry