Construction Project Planning and Scheduling: A Complete Guide Team construction planning and scheduling

Construction Project Planning and Scheduling: A Complete Guide

A construction project’s success relies heavily upon a well-thought-out schedule and comprehensive planning. Read more to learn about the importance of construction project planning and scheduling. Construction Project Planning and Scheduling: A Complete Guide Large construction projects are likely to fail if there isn’t an effective project plan or schedule in place from the beginning. […]

How to Become a Drywall Contractor

How to Become a Drywall Contractor

How to Become a Drywall Contractor Before learning how to become a drywall contractor, you must know what drywall is. Drywall, or plasterboard, is commonly used for covering interior walls. Drywall serves to cover insulation, dampen sound, hide plumbing and wires, and provide fire resistance to a certain extent. A drywall subcontractor, or hanger, is […]

Top 8 Causes of Cost Overruns in Construction

Top 8 Causes of Cost Overruns in Construction

Cost overruns are the unfortunate norm in the construction industry, which is notorious for being late and over budget. Additionally, the construction industry’s productivity has been pretty stagnant year over year, with almost 90% of construction workers classifying the industry as unproductive. To understand the causes of cost overruns and why they are so typical […]

How to Estimate a Construction Project How to Estimate a Construction Project

How to Estimate a Construction Project

Accurate cost estimation for a construction project is crucial for creating and maintaining a budget for project costs. Read more to learn how to estimate a construction project.  Article Overview: — Construction project estimate terminology that you need to learn and know.  — Key elements of a construction project estimate to ensure accuracy and getting […]

How to Create a Construction Project Budget How to Create a Construction Project Budget

How to Create a Construction Project Budget

Construction project budgets notoriously go over budget; whether that’s because of construction technology, unforeseen challenges, or poor planning. Better estimates and better budget management are the driving force in the creation and perfection of a construction project budget. As Matti Siemiatycki points out in his study, Cost Overruns on Infrastructure Projects: Patterns, Causes, and Cures, that […]

The Complete Construction Site Inspection Checklist

The Complete Construction Site Inspection Checklist

Construction is a high risk and hazard industry that encompasses a broad spectrum of activities, including repair, remodeling, and commercial construction.  Construction workers perform dangerous tasks, and they must be aware of electrocution, unguarded machinery, falling off rooftops, getting struck by heavy equipment, etc. Inspections provide certainty that everything in the construction project is working […]

What is Mobile Workforce Management?

What is Mobile Workforce Management?

Mobile workforce management (MWM) is a type of software which companies use to manage a remote workforce, often many employees on a job site, and is a crucial factor in integrating real-time field-to-office communications. With the ubiquity of mobile devices in today’s society, it is no surprise that there are new mobile workforce opportunities arising […]

Standardizing Business Processes for Drywall Subcontractors

Standardizing Business Processes for Drywall Subcontractors

What is a Drywall Subcontractor Drywall subcontractors are responsible for applying drywall to walls or ceilings and play an important role in the majority of commercial construction projects. Drywall subcontractors must, therefore, be able to read and understand design blueprints, estimate the number of wallboard materials necessary, and identify the locations of essential accessories such […]